Cholmondeley - Year 6 2024 - 2025

Miss Santos

Year 6 Teacher

Mrs Williams

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

What we are learning about this term in Cholmondeley Class.


To begin the term, we shall have a poetry focus where the children will be taught to use a range of figurative language in their writing. During Guided Reading sessions, the children will study a range of poems from different poets and analyse the language choices and comment on the style of the poem. Following this, the children will learn to write descriptively when writing setting and character descriptions. On a Wednesday, we have an Extended Writing session where the children are expected to write for a longer period of time. We will be writing diary entries where the pupils can explore varying their tone in order to become a character.

We practise our spellings every week and look at the meaning of the word and use the words within a sentence. Children are encouraged to also practise their spellings at home and in their own time, in preparation for the spelling test on Fridays.


This Term, the pupils will begin with a focus on place value and exploring what each digit means. We shall then move to learning about the four operations and ensuring our knowledge is solid on these methods and that we can apply the method to solve a range of complex problems.


In our Science lessons, pupils will be looking at ‘all living things’ and exploring the different parts to our plant and animal kingdom. They will also look at types of bacteria and learn about the good and bad examples of this. To follow this, our topic will be ‘electricity’. Pupils will look at create circuits and setting up fair tests to test a hypothesise. During this topic, pupils will also look at the dangers of electricity, learning how to remain safe around it.

Wider Curriculum – History and Geography

Within History lessons, children will be studying the Mayans where we will explore the day-to-day life during this era and make comparisons to the way we live in society now.

Wider Curriculum -Physical Education

In our PE lessons, the children will be taking part in invasion games, such as dodgeball, handball and netball. During our orienteering topic, pupils will learn what it makes to become an effective leader and will learn to complete a course under pressure.

Wider Curriculum - Art & Design Technology

In our Art lessons, the children will be drawing and painting. Within this topic, they shall learn how to use their pencil effectively to create light and dark pencil streaks on their page. They will also learn how to render, allowing them to create shadows and drawings in the 3D form.

In DT sessions, the children will learn how levers and pulleys can with together to allow a project to move in some form.

Wider Curriculum - Music

Mrs Shakspeare will teach Music on a Wednesday and a Friday. Pupils will enjoy singing lessons and learning new music as well as playing many musical instruments. They will be looking at different classical and contemporary composers and will compare music from different countries and eras.

Wider Curriculum - PSHE

Throughout PSHE lessons, pupils will look at relationships between families and friends and explore what makes a healthy relationship. They will learn how to be respectful members of society with a focus on developing positive strategies for managing their feelings.

Wider Curriculum – RE

In RE lessons, the children will be looking at the religion, Christianity with a focus on God, and look at how Christians mark turning points on the journey of life. Continuing with Christianity, they will shift the focus to Jesus and explore the events leading up to and including his death.

Wider Curriculum - Computing

In Computing, we will begin with an online safety focus where we shall recap the importance of keeping ourselves safe online. We will also look at blogging, learning the elements of a blog and in the end, creating out own blog page.

Wider Curriculum - Spanish

In Spanish lessons, the children will be studying the topic ‘que tiempo hace’ where they will look at different types of weather and learn to engage in conversations relating to the weather. Following this, pupils will look at the topic ‘desayuno en el café’ where they will learn the names of different types of food which may be ordered in a café. They will learn to engage in simple conversations with one another, asking and answering questions.

General Class Reminders

  • Full school P.E. kit is needed on Friday for (PE lessons).
  • READING BOOKS need to be brought into school every day. Children can change their Library book in school when necessary.
  • HOMEWORK will be set every This will either be due back in the following Wednesday or at a later date if stipulated.


Throughout the term work completed by the children will be put on to our blog.

Please look at our work by visiting -

Twitter - @CastleView_PS

Facebook –  - Search Castle View Primary School and join our group.

Instagram - @castle_viewps


Your child’s attendance in school is extremely important.  Time missed is learning that can’t always be made up. Please ensure your child attends school for 8:40 each day unless there is a very good reason for them to be absent.

If you have any concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to speak to us. Thank you.


Miss Santos and Mrs Williams

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Cholmondeley - Year 6: Gallery items

A Spanish weather forecast!, by Miss Santos

Cholmondeley - Year 6: Calendar items

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Meadway, Halton Brook, WA7 2DZ

Headteacher | Ms H Melarangi

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Mrs J Hidden

[email protected]

SEN Coordinator | Miss L Mulholland

Attendance Officer | Miss A Sheady

Chair of Governors | Mr D Jones

Designated Safeguarding Governor | Mr D Jones

School Office Administrator | Mrs E Golding

School Bursar | Mrs S Hudson