Nursery 2024 - 2025

Mrs Hidden

Nursery Teacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Richards

Teaching Assistant

Beeston 1/ Nursery Class- Autumn Term 2024

We hope you’ve had a wonderful summer break and are refreshed and ready for a fun filled autumn term! We are looking forward to sharing new experiences together and developing our learning further.


Our main themes for this term are ‘I wonder what is special about me?’ (Autumn 1) and ‘I wonder how people celebrate?’ (Autumn 2). Our mini themes include feelings, people who help us, family and friends, my local environment and the seasons of Autumn and Winter. We will be reading and exploring the stories: Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes, The Colour Monster, The Leaf Thief, All are Welcome, How do Apples Grow and many more of course! We will also be exploring other texts and some key celebrations, including. Birthdays, Harvest Festival, Halloween, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Diwali, and Christmas. We will be exploring these topics and exciting stories through all areas of learning and developing the children’s knowledge and skills through exciting and engaging activities. However, these books and topics may change as we adapt our planning to the current needs and interests of the children.

Communication, Language and Literacy

During this term, we will be exploring a range of books based on our main themes ‘I wonder what is unique about me?’ and ‘I wonder how people celebrate?’. The children will be given many opportunities for group discussions alongside one-to-one adult interactions that will support articulation, introduce new vocabulary, develop listening skills, and build their confidence to answer questions and contribute.

We will participate in daily phonics sessions to build the foundations for early reading. Our initial focus will be on environmental sounds and then instrumental sounds which we will explore through fun games and activities. As we progress through the term we will revisit and recap on elements of previous learning to practise retrieval skills.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

This term, the focus will be on the transition to nursery and settling in. We will begin to develop an awareness of the classroom rules and routines and think about self-management and beginning to become more independent. We will support the children to make their snack choices and discuss the importance of healthy choices. We will be encouraging the children to participate in new activities and explore all the areas of the classroom environment. We will support and encourage the children to play alongside each other and begin to build new relationships. We will share our own feelings and encourage the children to do the same to support them to begin to identify their own emotions.

Physical Development

This term the children will focus on hanging up their own coat on to their peg and pulling their clothing up and down when using the toilet. We will support the children to find a comfortable grip when mark making and explore scissors to make snips in paper. During snack time, we will encourage the children to pour their own drinks. The children will be able to enjoy the wonderful outdoor provision where they can develop their gross motor skills such as riding a scooter or bike, kicking and catching a ball, climbing and balancing and getting lost in their imaginary play.

Mathematical Development

This term in Maths, the children will begin by matching and sorting. We will start to introduce mathematical language when we are comparing and noticing. We will progress into comparing amounts, size, mass and capacity as well as simple patterns. We will introduce basic subitising (being able to recognise several objects without counting) and enjoy lots of counting through song and dance.

Understanding of the World

At the beginning of this term, we will be looking at what makes us unique. We will discuss and compare our families, what we are good at, where we live and many other special qualities we have. We will explore our local environment and begin to understand that there are other areas and countries in our world that have similarities and differences to ours. We will look at how particular cultures celebrate in certain ways and again notice the differences to the ways in which we may celebrate. We will discuss how we have grown and changed ready for nursery. We will notice and explore the outdoors (using our senses) for changes that occur during Autumn and Winter and introduce the term season.

Expressive Arts and Design

This term, the children will arrive to our wonderful home themed role play area. The children’s interests and topics will then inspire what role play transformations will happen next. We will also develop the children’s painting, drawing and sculpture skills, through focused activities and adult support during choosing time. The children will be involved in creating an individual and class art piece for our whole school design technology exhibition (date to be confirmed). The children will take part in singing and music sessions every week. They will learn lots of new songs and actions and play lots of different musical instruments (in response to music). The children will be encouraged to explore musical instruments in the provision to make their own music and create their own songs.

Wow moments

We would love to hear about any significant events your child takes part in at home or when they do something amazing. If you have any pictures of significate events or have amazing moments you would like to share with us, please post these on your child’s 2Evidence me account.

General class Reminders

  • BOOK BAG and READING BOOK need to be brought into school every day.
  • Share a book every day at home with your child to encourage their love for reading.
  • Support them in writing their name using the letter formation rhymes (that will be provided).
  • Don’t forget to sign up and share photos and WOW moments of your child using your child’s Evidence Me account. 
  • Sign up for our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages to be kept up to date with what’s going on!

Twitter - @CastleView_PS   

Facebook – Search Castle View Primary School and join our group.   

Instagram- @castle_viewps


If you have any concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to speak to me or Mrs Richards after school.


Mrs Hidden

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Meadway, Halton Brook, WA7 2DZ

Headteacher | Ms H Melarangi

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Mrs J Hidden

[email protected]

SEN Coordinator | Miss L Mulholland

Attendance Officer | Miss A Sheady

Chair of Governors | Mr D Jones

Designated Safeguarding Governor | Mr D Jones

School Office Administrator | Mrs E Golding

School Bursar | Mrs S Hudson